Advertise in the Mitchell Sentinel
Advertise your business or event easily and affordably in the Mitchell Sentinel. Reach a wide audience and support the community and the Mitchell Sentinel nonprofit publication while promoting your brand.
We also offer community Advertisements free of charge.
Advertising in the Mitchell Sentinel is easy and affordable!
Just submit your AD to us no later than noon on the Friday before the publication date.
The Mitchell Sentinel is published on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. It is mailed (free of charge) to every address in the 97750 zip code (over 200 local residents) and also to a growing (US Mail) audience of readers throughout the country.
The Sentinel is also enjoyed by our many readers who choose to receive the Sentinel in pdf format by Email.
Rates for Advertising:
Business Card Size AD = $20.00 per issue
Quarter Page Size AD = $35.00 per issue
Half Page Size AD = $45.00 per issue
Full Page Size AD = $65.00 per issue
Community AD = free of charge
(this includes community events, birthdays, announcements, etc.)
We can design and create an AD
for you at no charge
All we need is the detailed information and/or message that you want to share our readers and any photo(s) that you want displayed, and we will create an AD in the size that you choose. You will receive a proof of the AD for your approval or to make any necessary corrections or additions. And when you give us your final approval, your Ad will be published!
To Place an AD
Submit the essential information and any other necessary details about your AD in the form below -
If you have any files, logos, or images that will support your AD, email
with those attached.
If you have any questions or need help to design your AD or upload any supporting documents and/or images, please call Dajuana at (541)462-3532
Mitchell, Oregon Main Street 1954
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