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Support the Mitchell Sentinel

Please help keep the Mitchell Sentinel free for all! The Sentinel is a nonprofit publication that is distributed free of charge to all residents in the Mitchell, Oregon 97750 zip code and to a growing list of US Mail subscribers and Email subscribers in surrounding areas and throughout the United States.

Even the smallest donations go a long way to support the Mitchell Sentinel!

Some of the costs to publish the Mitchell Sentinel include the purchase of printer paper, printer ink, printer maintenance, postage stamps, bulk mailing postage, and so much more.

Our volunteer workers donate their time and effort to perform research, edit articles, write articles, gather documents and images, and many other small tasks that are all essential to produce the monthly Sentinel publication.

The Mitchell Sentinel is a nonprofit free publication that relies on donations and AD purchases to cover all of the costs incurred to produce and distribute.

Please consider a donation, big or small, to help us cover these cost.

Your support is greatly appreciated.

Mitchell, Oregon 1924