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Subscribe to the Mitchell Sentinel

Subscribing to the Mitchell Sentinel is free; however, donations are accepted and welcomed. We are a nonprofit publication. The Mitchell Sentinel is published on the third Wednesday of every month and then distributed without charge to all residents within the Mitchell, Oregon, 97750 zip code. It is also sent to a growing audience of US Mail and Email subscribers across the country. Thank you for your support!

Our mission

Our focus is on bringing our community family together with stories, photos, community announcements, a place to advertise, local, national, and world news, and community events all while preserving Mitchell's history a little bit at a time.

The Mitchell Sentinel is a
Nonprofit Publication

Please consider making a one-time donation or even a subscription donation to support our free publication. Any donation, big or small, is greatly appreciated, as it helps the Mitchell Sentinel continue its mission of publishing and distributing a free nonprofit publication that focuses on bringing the community together and preserving Mitchell's history a little bit at a time.

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